Oct 1, 2002FALL 2002 NEWSLETTER vol 2T he sounds of champagne corks popping and Center friends celebrating resounded into the night, as we feted the approval of the Kids’...
Sep 22, 2001FALL 2001 NEWSLETTERHonoring Nancy Shier Nancy Shier, lay assistant at Immanuel Church and candidate for holy orders, was ordained to the deaconate on...
Mar 1, 2001MARCH 2001 NEWSLETTERRemembering Vera In a recent sermon, Church of Our Saviour's Rector, Denis O'Pray said that in leading a Christian life it is not enough...
Dec 1, 1999WINTER 1999 NEWSLETTERDear Friends, On October 2nd, the Bishop struck his hand on our doors and declared the Cleaver Family Wellness Clinic and the Jack and...
Nov 29, 1998FALL 1998 NEWSLETTERNotes from Dorris... Dear Friends, This morning as I was in my office a hail of pecans suddenly crashed down on our roof from the big...